How to Resuscitate Stagnant Marketing Tactics | The Importance of Digital Marketing in Energy Efficiency Programs
Like most aspects of our business, marketing is a concept that is continually evolving, and it is important to take note of current trends within this evolution. To put it pointedly, Energy Efficiency Programs aren’t the most exciting subject matter in the world. Dry subject matters don’t mean that we have to employ dry marketing techniques though.
Sure, there is a time and a place for traditional outlets such as Direct Mailers, Billboards, and Radio Advertising. However, even the oldest person living in your house can tell you that digital media is probably the most important thing that you either are or are not doing. So how and where do energy efficiency programs and digital media campaigns intersect.
This is prominently defined by a very simple formula:
Research + Determination of Audience + Tactical Strategy = Successful Campaign
There are a zillion different ways to conduct research to determine audience, but let’s focus on the tactical strategy piece. If you aren’t doing the following, then you are likely doing a disservice to your marketing campaign First and foremost – CONTENT IS KING – so ensure that the following vehicles align with great content.
- Social Media Presence and Interaction (Prominently LinkedIn)
- Email Campaigns
- Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
- Display Ads / Retargeting
- Strong and Confident Program Website
The most critical thing of all is utilizing a Marketing Automation package to measure impact, track cost, and extract actionable insight. It is then important to digest this insight with all key stakeholders to create a game plan. The value of digital marketing is that you can change strategy “mid-stream” (this is a funny pun for you energy efficiency folks), in response to how campaigns are performing. Don’t get lost in archaic tactics that don’t produce as much value.
Interested in learning more about how Sodexo | Roth implements programs?
Feel free to reach out to me. Karen Heater | | 330-509-5217